Client Project

 For the Client project, we were tasked in groups to make a game based around an escape room. Our group decided to work on a game set in a cave with an uncanny looking human that would stalk the player character, posing as one of their friends.

I was the artist for the team, and the first thing I worked on was the rocks and environment models so the designer could get to level building as soon as possible. We decided on an old PS2 early 200s late 1990s style to the game, taking direct inspiration to the original Silent Hill and Resident Evil game. To make the rocks I got a sphere and lowered the poly count to either 5 or 7 depending on the size of the rock. I then grabbed the points of the polys and moved then around to create a jagged and irregular shape. After I felt it was completed, I unwrapped the UV, then placed an image of a rock texture overtop of it to give it the old PNG stretched look. I then stretched the texture and made it look irregular and rough to add to the style of it looking like an old game. I tried to make rocks of different shapes and sizes to offer more control and variety for the designer to make the level. 

After I made the environment, I 3D modeled and drew some textures for some interactable objects within the game. That being the torch, and 3 gems. The gems I made by just creating a box and changing where the polys were. For the torch I started off using a cylinder with a lowered poly count. To make the textures I unwrapped their UVs and uploaded the images to Procreate where I created deliberately old styled and soft looking textures to fit in with the style of the game. 


I like the old PS1 style the textures have, especially the rocks and how I was able to stretch the textures and make it feel like it fits over the rock. I also like the items you can pick up as I feel like they are different enough from the environment pieces to be easily noticeable in game, while also not not sticking out too much. However, next time I would like to make the procreate custom textures more pixelated and less blended in with eachother and some brighter shadows and lighting, too make it feel more like the texture it's trying to portray, and help it stick out even more.


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